A Unique Combination: Chief Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower and Much of the U.S. Air Force Leadership During World War II, All on One Short Snorter
Spaatz, Doolittle, Eaker, Curtis, Seversky, Bader and Zemke all sign a note never before offered for sale.
A short snorter is a banknote that was signed by various notables with whom the holder came in contact on his travels. The tradition was started by bush pilots in Alaska in the 1920's and subsequently spread through the growth of aviation. If you signed a short snorter and the owner could...
A short snorter is a banknote that was signed by various notables with whom the holder came in contact on his travels. The tradition was started by bush pilots in Alaska in the 1920's and subsequently spread through the growth of aviation. If you signed a short snorter and the owner could not produce it upon request, he owed you a dollar or a drink (a “short snort”, as aviation and excessive alcohol consumption do not mix!). During World War II the practice of signing short snorters became common in the military, and some of the greatest collections of autographs during that conflict are on short snorters.
The 27th U.S. Air Transport Group supported the 8th and 9th Air Forces in World War II with ferry and transport services. Their role was vital to the success of the air and ground wars in Europe, and they had the job of flying military leaders to meetings and other engagements. Their story is related in the book "Gooney Birds and Ferry Tales: The 27th Air Transport Group in World War II". Harold Susen was a crew chief in that unit and is pictured in that book. He flew for General Carl Spaatz on his C-45, and also flew with Eisenhower, Doolittle, Eaker, and many other major military figures of WWII. He obtained the autographs of as many as he could on a 100 franc Luxembourg note, as follows:
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower – Chief Allied Commander;
Gen. Carl Spaatz – Commander U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe, later first Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force;
Gen. Jimmy Doolittle – Commander of the Doolittle Raid against Tokyo in 1942, commander of the Eighth Air Force in Europe;
Gen. Ira Eaker – Commander of Allied Air Forces based in the Mediterrean, then Deputy Commander of the U.S. Army Air Forces;
Gen. E.P. Curtis – Chief of Staff for the U S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe, postwar aide to Eisenhower;
Douglas Bader – Famous legless Wing Commander of the RAF, and one of the top British aces of the war. He was captured in 1941 and liberated in April 1945. The 27th ATG picked him up April 17th, dating this signature;
Hub Zemke – Fighter pilot and a leading USAAF ace with 18 victories. Gen. Jimmy Doolittle praised Zemke as his "greatest fighter group commander"; and
Alexander de Seversky – Aircraft inventor and pioneer who became the chief (and successful) advocate for the use of aircraft as a strategic weapon.
There are some other signatures as well of lesser known personalities.
A unique combination of signatures, containing Ike and most of the senior Air Force leadership in the European Theater of Operations. We obtained this directly from a Susen descendent, and it has never before been offered for sale.

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