SOLD President Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership

"Good citizenship consists in combining efficiency and morality, a high ideal and resolute, practical common sense in endeavoring to realize that ideal.".

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Roosevelt’s style of leadership was entirely different from that of presidents that had preceded him over the previous 36 years, and his administration constituted a clean break with the past. The man and his measures were founded on ideals, predicated on morality, and their goals were pursued with determination and the purpose...

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SOLD President Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership

"Good citizenship consists in combining efficiency and morality, a high ideal and resolute, practical common sense in endeavoring to realize that ideal.".

Roosevelt’s style of leadership was entirely different from that of presidents that had preceded him over the previous 36 years, and his administration constituted a clean break with the past. The man and his measures were founded on ideals, predicated on morality, and their goals were pursued with determination and the purpose of getting the job done. This combination thrilled the American public and inspired an entire generation to service and idealism. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, George Marshall and their contemporaries came of age at this time, and were influenced by TR.

Theodore Roosevelt Autograph Quotation Signed as President, making a statement on citizenship but in fact summing up the principles of leadership he lived by throughout his public life, and was trying to instill in the nation. “Good citizenship consists in combining efficiency and morality, a high ideal and resolute, practical common sense in endeavoring to realize that ideal.”

This is the first autograph quote of Roosevelt that we can recall seeing. It was originally written in a birthday book, a kind of autograph album popular at the turn of the 20th century, in which people signed and wrote out their thoughts on the date of their own birthdays. A number of the other entries in the book were dated, and they were 1905 or 1906, so this was clearly written and signed by TR as president. Above his autograph is that of Whitelaw Reid, journalist and U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain under TR and Taft. The page has an attractive red and black border.

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