Famed Physician Dr. William Osler Writes Letters of Recommendation For Williams College President Franklin Carter
Carter, going to Ireland, will look up prominent medical people there
Dr. William Osler is often described as the “Father of Modern Medicine”. He created the first residency program for specialty training of physicians, and was the first to bring medical students out of the lecture hall for bedside clinical training. Co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital and medical school, and was author of...
Dr. William Osler is often described as the “Father of Modern Medicine”. He created the first residency program for specialty training of physicians, and was the first to bring medical students out of the lecture hall for bedside clinical training. Co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital and medical school, and was author of the landmark work, “The Principles and Practice of Medicine”. He also wrote and edited medical reports for Johns Hopkins, and Franklin Carter, was President of Williams College.
The Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, Ireland is an institution that specializes in obstetrics and gynecology since its foundation in 1745. The master was its head. Dr. J.W. Moore was a prominent Dublin physician and medical author, and a member (and examiner in medicine) of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. His specialty was fevers, a subject in which Osler had a great interest.
Osler, a Canadian, had close connections in England and Ireland. When Carter planned a trip to Ireland, Carter wrote him letters of recommendation to be presented to notables there.
Autograph letter signed, no date. “Dear Carter, I send a letter to the master of the Rotunda and to Dr. J.W. Moore, the latter one of the leading physicians in the city, the author of the well know work on fever. I will send on letters to Linden. Send me a post card with your address. I am in bed with the “Fluenza,” a mild attack and I am fever less today. I hope you will have a very good time. Love to the Billings. Mrs. Osler joins me in best wishes for the new year.”

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