Sold – President Franklin D. Roosevelt Celebrates His Connection With Harvard

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FDR graduated from Harvard in the Class of 1904, and he always cherished his Harvard connections. In the spring of 1934, when pending legislation seemed likely to keep him from attending his 30th reunion, he put on a White House reception for most of the class of 1904.

Typed Letter Signed as...

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Sold – President Franklin D. Roosevelt Celebrates His Connection With Harvard

FDR graduated from Harvard in the Class of 1904, and he always cherished his Harvard connections. In the spring of 1934, when pending legislation seemed likely to keep him from attending his 30th reunion, he put on a White House reception for most of the class of 1904.

Typed Letter Signed as President, on White House letterhead, Washington, April 26, 1934, to Arthur S. Milinowski, his classmate in the Class of ‘04. “Many thanks for that nice note. I do wish you could have been here last Saturday. We all had a grand time.” The envelope is still present.

This is a simple and brief letter, but these are Roosevelt’s own words and you can hear his voice in that final sentence.

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