sold Ike, The State of the Union, 1955

The Young Men Who Were With Him on the “Desolation of European Battlefields” Will Now Build America, and Proposes Measures For Economic Expansion, Construction of Infastructure, and Military Preparedness.

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The only signed copy of this address we have seen

During the Eisenhower era, Americans achieved a level of prosperity they had never known before. While other parts of the world struggled to rebuild from the devastation of World War II, citizens of the United States saw their standard of living surpass...

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sold Ike, The State of the Union, 1955

The Young Men Who Were With Him on the “Desolation of European Battlefields” Will Now Build America, and Proposes Measures For Economic Expansion, Construction of Infastructure, and Military Preparedness.

The only signed copy of this address we have seen

During the Eisenhower era, Americans achieved a level of prosperity they had never known before. While other parts of the world struggled to rebuild from the devastation of World War II, citizens of the United States saw their standard of living surpass what previous generations had only dreamed about. Eisenhower himself deserves a good deal of credit for this economic growth. He also shored up U.S. defenses, and led the West in the ongoing Cold War with great success, even will seeking peace.

We can see all of this manifested in his State of the Union address, delivered January 6, 1955. This is a printed copy signed of that address. “…From this deep faith have evolved three main purposes of our Federal Government: First, to maintain justice and freedom among ourselves and to champion them for others so that we may work effectively for enduring peace; Second, to help keep our economy vigorous and expanding, thus sustaining our international strength and assuring better jobs, better living, better opportunities for every citizen; And third, to concern ourselves with the human problems of our people so that every American may have the opportunity to lead a healthy, productive and rewarding life. Foremost among these broad purposes of government is our support of freedom, justice and peace…Today the world is at peace. It is, to be sure, an insecure peace. Yet all humanity finds hope in the simple fact that for an appreciable time there has been no active major battlefield on earth. This same fact inspires us to work all the more effectively with other nations for the well-being, the freedom, the dignity, of every human on earth….

“A modern, efficient highway system is essential to meet the needs of our growing population, our expanding economy, and our national security. We are accelerating our highway improvement program as rapidly as possible under existing State and Federal laws and authorizations…

“A decade ago, in the death and desolation of European battlefields, I saw the courage and resolution, I felt the inspiration, of American youth. In these young men I felt America’s buoyant confidence and irresistible will-to-do. In them I saw, too, a devout America, humble before God. And so, I know with all my heart–and I deeply believe that all Americans know–that, despite the anxieties of this divided world, our faith, and the cause in which we all believe, will surely prevail….”

Later that year, Eisenhower suffered a serious heart attack. America held its breath as all eyes turned to his hospital bed in the hopes that he would survive. In February 1956 doctors reported his recovery; and in November he was elected to his second term.

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