Last month when I posted a document from 1170AD and asked readers to attempt to decipher, I got many interested inquiries. So let's try another. This one dates from 1677, much later, but as you will see, that does not always guarantee an easy read. A Well Known New World Naval Confrontation Between England and Spain In this original order, a new acquisition, from King James II's Privy Council (his highest advisers), signed by one of those advisers, he challenges the Queen of Spain over the seizure by Spanish ships of a British vessel, The Virgin, in the West Indies. This is an uncommon Royal Order in relation to the sparring New World nations.
Tip for the below image: the letter "e" will appear backwards. Also, prepare yourself for antiquated spellings. And don't forget that a special symbol that looks like a "y" adopted the sound "th" and later gave way to the pronunciation of "ye" not as "the" but as we would pronounce it today.
Here is the excerpted portion: "By the Spaniards in ye (the) West Indies…. Councell Learned as to ye Impossibility…"
Tip for below: look for the "p" that looks like an "x," and alternate spellings of words. Also, the first "s" in the word is not the same as the second.
Transcription: "The Dispatches obteyned from the Queen…. and Satisfaccon (abbreviated for satisfaction) of ye losses & Damages."
Tip for below: watch out for abbreviations. This did not die in the modern age.
Transcription with meaning in parantheses: "Right Honble (Honorable) Mr. Secry (Secretar) Coventry… his Mats (Majestys) Ambbassadr at the… acquaint that Court how… that the Petrs (petitioners) haveing made…"
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