A Newly Discovered Description of the Military Academy at West Point by Its Most Famous Memorialist, Written by Him As a Cadet in 1818
An extraordinarily early and rare account; we could not find any others having reached the market in at least four decades.
The early 19th century franked address panel marked West Point is still present.
The Latrobe family is sewn into the fabric of Americana. Benjamin Henry Latrobe, the patriarch, was the Union’s first trained architect who was instrumental in establishing the Greek, Gothic and Neoclassical styles of architecture in the United States. He...
The early 19th century franked address panel marked West Point is still present.
The Latrobe family is sewn into the fabric of Americana. Benjamin Henry Latrobe, the patriarch, was the Union’s first trained architect who was instrumental in establishing the Greek, Gothic and Neoclassical styles of architecture in the United States. He is renowned for designing the U. S. Capitol, and the pioneering Philadelphia and New Orleans waterworks; less well known is his design of elements of the White House and his role in its furnishing. It was he who called in fashionable New York merchant Louis Mark on that ptoject. He mentored his teenage sons John H. B. Latrobe and Benjamin Henry Latrobe II, who assisted him.
Benjamin’s son John inherited his father’s aptitude for the arts and design. In 1818, still shy of his 16th birthday, he was sent to West Point to study engineering. At that time, just 200 young men had graduated from West Point since its first two-man class in 1802. But he was forced to return home before graduating when his father died suddenly in 1820, and he became partly responsible for supporting his family. John Latrobe went on to become a lawyer and was instrumental in promoting and establishing the first railroads in America. He was the inventor of the Latrobe stove, and respected artist, president of the Maryland Historical Society, and co-founder of the American Bar Association.
In the 1880s, Latrobe wrote the work for which he is most remembered, his “West Point Reminiscences 1818‑1882,” which is not only fascinating, but is one of the very few first-hand early accounts of the Military Academy. The work was published in 1887 and remains a key source of information about West Point in those days. The few other accounts we have found relating memories of that time are also retrospectives. We cannot recall seeing a contemporaneous description of the pre -1820 era at West Point reach the marketplace. Here is such a description, from John Latrobe himself.
Autograph Letter Signed, West Point, November 22, 1818, to his sister Lydia. “I have delayed writing to you so long that I am now quite ashamed of myself, but I really have so little time that you must forgive me. You see by the date of my letter where I am, and have been since the 28th of September. In the first place I must give you an account of West Point. It is situated on the west bank of the Hudson, about 70 miles from New York, and the nearest town is Newburgh, 10 miles distant. The Hudson rolls on one side of us and on the other are almost inaccessible mountains on whose summits tower the remains of Revolutionary fortifications. The plain itself is situated near 200 feet above the level of the river and is about 3/4 of a mile in circumference. The public buildings are 2 large stone barracks, and an academy and mess house, both of stone, and 5 or 6 brick buildings the quarters of their professors; besides 20 or 30 small houses occupied by washerwomen etc etc. There are at present 230 cadets here, and there is also a company of bombardiers (regulars) who do all the work that is to be done & have a separate barracks which is a very large one built of wood.
“Our education consists of every branch of mathematics & philosophy, engineering, drawing, French & fencing; in fact it is the education of a perfect gentleman. We rise at daylight, make up our beds, sweep out the rows, make the fire and & put everything in order. We then go to roll call, after which we return to our rooms, if our guns want cleaning we clean them, if not we study until breakfast which is at 8 o’clock. After breakfast the guard is marched off, at 9 we go to the Academy and recite, return to our rooms and study until 1 when we have dinner. At 2 we go to recite, return to our rooms and study until 4, when we drill until 5. At 5 go parade, after parade we go to supper at 6. We retire to our rooms and study until half past nine when we retire to rest. Thus endeth every day and thus every day is spent.
“Our eating is pretty good, indeed much better than I expected, and I cannot find fault with it. I have received two very kind letters from Louis Mark concerning something papa sent on to me and about which he has taken a great deal of trouble. He was very attentive to me while I stayed in New York and pressed me to stay at his house whenever I come to town. In his last letter he told me he had just heard from you and that you and all the family were quite well. If you should ever get this letter, I beg you will answer it, as one of the greatest pleasures I have is to receive letters from any of our family, and direct to Cadet J.H.B. Latrobe, Military Academy West Point, State of New York. Remember me to brother Nicholas, and give my best love to Rosetta, Henry, Sena and dear little Mary. Tell them Uncle John sends them 20 kisses apiece which you must give them.” The franked address panel marked West Point is still present.

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