William Henry Harrison Collects His Salary as Ambassador to Colombia in a Check Drawn on the Bank of the United States
In the 1824 presidential campaign Harrison worked for Clay in Ohio. Clay won Ohio’s electoral votes, and in 1825 the legislature chose Harrison to be U.S. senator from Ohio. Although he was chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, his three-year service in the Senate was undistinguished. In 1828 he failed to...
In the 1824 presidential campaign Harrison worked for Clay in Ohio. Clay won Ohio’s electoral votes, and in 1825 the legislature chose Harrison to be U.S. senator from Ohio. Although he was chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, his three-year service in the Senate was undistinguished. In 1828 he failed to attain nomination as President John Quincy Adams’ running mate and he then accepted appointment as ambassador to Colombia.
“Off[icer] Bank of the United States, Wash[ington], October 13, 1828. Pay to drafts on Philadelphia or bearer Twenty six hundred & sixty seven Dollars. $2.667, W. H. Harrison.”

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