An Extraordinary, Large Photograph Signed by the Two Great War Presidents of the 20th Century, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Showing the Ship That Took Them Both to the Paris Peace Conference That Ended World War I

A very rare piece in our experience, also signed by three of the ship's officers

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President Woodrow Wilson led the country through World War I and future President Franklin D. Roosevelt was his Asst. Secretary of the Navy who later led the nation through World War II.

The U.S.S. George Washington was a troop transport that began carrying American troops to Europe early in December 1917. During...

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An Extraordinary, Large Photograph Signed by the Two Great War Presidents of the 20th Century, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Showing the Ship That Took Them Both to the Paris Peace Conference That Ended World War I

A very rare piece in our experience, also signed by three of the ship's officers

President Woodrow Wilson led the country through World War I and future President Franklin D. Roosevelt was his Asst. Secretary of the Navy who later led the nation through World War II.

The U.S.S. George Washington was a troop transport that began carrying American troops to Europe early in December 1917. During the next two years, eleven months of war, and thirteen following the November 11, 1918 Armistice, she transported some 48,000 people from the U.S. to Europe and returned 34,000 to America. The George Washington also played an important role in post-war diplomatic efforts, transporting President Woodrow Wilson and his aides to France to take part in the Versailles Peace Conference.

This is a huge 13 1/2 by 19 inch sepia photograph at sea of the U.S.S. George Washington, which in December 1918 and again in March 1919 transported President Wilson to France for the Peace Conference that resulted in the Versailles Treaty. In January 1919, it transported Asst. Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt to France to take part in the conference. Both Wilson and Roosevelt have signed in the sky at the upper right. Wilson’s signature is his strong pre-stroke version and thus signed in 1919 as President, and Roosevelt’s signature is his more mature version, and likely signed by him early in his presidency. A small separation exists at the start of Wilson’s signature with no paper or ink missing.

At the upper left, three of the ship’s officers have signed as well. They include Captain Edward McCauley, and ship’s officers F.M. Perkins and J.H. Peters.

Purchase $12,000

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