Previously Unknown Signed Photograph of Sanitary Commission Organizer Henry Bellows

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Henry Whitney Bellows was an clergyman and the planner and president of the United States Sanitary Commission, the leading soldiers’ aid society during the Civil War. Under his leadership, the USSC became the largest and most effective organization dedicated to supporting the health and efficiency of the Union army.

Signed carte de...

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Previously Unknown Signed Photograph of Sanitary Commission Organizer Henry Bellows

Henry Whitney Bellows was an clergyman and the planner and president of the United States Sanitary Commission, the leading soldiers’ aid society during the Civil War. Under his leadership, the USSC became the largest and most effective organization dedicated to supporting the health and efficiency of the Union army.

Signed carte de visite of Bellows, signed below on the matting in pencil. Provenance: a prominent women’s suffrage family that also took an active part in the Civil War.

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