SOLD Signed Photograph of LBJ in the Oval Office
Inscribed to Irv Sprague, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Lyndon B. Johnson. Irvine Sprague was a special assistent to President Johnson. After LBJ left office, he became executive director of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee for House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O’Neill.
In 1979, President Carter appointed him chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC). He continued to serve...
Lyndon B. Johnson. Irvine Sprague was a special assistent to President Johnson. After LBJ left office, he became executive director of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee for House Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O’Neill.
In 1979, President Carter appointed him chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC). He continued to serve the FDIC when Ronald Reagan was elected president, retiring in 1986.
An 11 by 14 inch photograph of Sprague with Johnson in the Oval Office, inscribed and signed “For Irv, my best, LBJ.” This is accompanied by two other signed photographs: a 6 by 9 inch one of Sprague with Carl Albert, signed by Albert; and an 8 by 10 inch color one of him with O’Neill, inscribed and signed by O’Neill in 1979 “To Irv, with every best wish in your new position and a kind thank you for your loyalty, aid and friendship.” There are also a number of unsigned photographs of Sprague with other notables, and a secretarially-signed photograph of John F. Kennedy.

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