President William McKinley Ends the Spanish American War Hostilities

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John Hancock Appoints a Revolutionary War Hero an Officer in the Massachusetts Militia

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A Lengthy Plea in Abraham Lincoln’s Hand from 1843, Signed Three Times, Showing Adversity that he Saw in His Law Practice

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In an Unpublished Letter, President Thomas Jefferson Manages the Expense of his Presidential Household and his Estate in Monticello

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The Marquis de LaFayette Insists that France Adhere to “true principles and veritable practice of legal liberty, which in the end will triumph”

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Alexander Hamilton Settles His Accounts with Agents for the Holland Land Company, Relating to his Work on the Prohibition Against Foreigners Owning Land

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In the Wake of the First Loss of a Nuclear Submarine, President John F. Kennedy Writes a Grieving Widow That the Price of Freedom Is Sacrifice, An Archive

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Samuel F.B. Morse Establishes Himself in Washington in Early 1844 to Prepare for his First Test of the Telegraph Message From DC to Baltimore

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Large Four-Language Ship’s Passport for The Schooner Betsy to Travel from Salem, MA to Tangiers, Signed by President James Madison

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President Cleveland Authorizes the Negotiation of a Treaty Limiting Chinese Immigration to the United States

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