Sold – Chennault’s Credo for Victory in World War II: “Hit Back Harder Than We Get Hit”
"The 14th AF has killed more than 25,000 enemy soldiers, 5,000 horses, destroyed over 3,000 boats, sunk a million tons of shipping and from all these missions eight of our air bases are missing".
Founder of the American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers) in China. Recruited as an instructor and adviser for the Chinese Air Force in 1937, he became Chiang Kai Shek’s chief of staff for air. With his aid China obtained 100 American pursuit planes and 100 American pilots, who were recruited from the U.S....
Founder of the American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers) in China. Recruited as an instructor and adviser for the Chinese Air Force in 1937, he became Chiang Kai Shek’s chief of staff for air. With his aid China obtained 100 American pursuit planes and 100 American pilots, who were recruited from the U.S. armed services. The Tigers were China’s only effective air arm from their first combat in December, 1941 to mid 1942, destroying some 300 Japanese planes. Chennault played an important part in defense of the Burma Road, and conceived of flying supplies from India to China over what was termed “the Hump.” He was recalled to active duty as a general in the U.S. Army, and was given command of the U.S. 14th Air Force, which succeeded in destroying over a million tons of Japanese shipping, limiting their once formidable sea power. In 1945 he helped get Stilwell recalled, but resigned himself in the face of the threatened disbandment of the Sino-American Air Force.
Autograph Letter Signed, 1 page 4to, Jan. 5, 1945. “Received your recent letter telling me about your preparations to move south. No doubt you’ve been enjoying Miami’s balmy breezes for a month or more by now…I hate moving, too. The most tiresome thing I can imagine. When preparing for a trip, I wait until about five minutes before departure then pack my bag. Thus I can concentrate upon just the things I’ll need and don’t have time to change my mind about this or that item…It was all right about delaying the purchases for Mrs. Sutter, or not making them at all. She is a stylish little lady and keeps her children well dressed, war or no war. However, she has friends in India now and one or two in the States who buy a few things for her from time to time. She has assisted me with my entertaining Chinese officials and other foreign guests. Speaks excellent French and English, some Russian and three Chinese dialects but can’t read Chinese. I’ve been planning a package of souvenirs (banners, paintings, etc.) for shipment to you for more than a month but just don’t seem to have time for making it up. Suppose you see Ôby the papers’ that I’ve been more than somewhat busy the past three months. Did you see this Ôcrack’ recently. ÔThe 14th AF has killed more than 25,000 enemy soldiers, 5,000 horses, destroyed over 3,000 boats, sunk a million tons of shipping and from all these missions eight of our air bases are missing.’ Nevertheless and in spite of air base losses, December was our best month of the year in terms of damage inflicted. We have an iron clad rule that requires us to hit back harder than we get hit, thus we always know who is going to get Ôwhupped’ sooner or later. Cheer up, Peg, and hit back hard. Yours, CLC.”
An important statement on determination from one of the war’s greatest leaders.

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