O. O. Howard Says That Good Will Existed Between the Fighting Men of North and South
"The loss of life on our part that follows any successful strife is appalling".
- Currency:
Union general, founder of Howard University.
Typed Letter Signed, 1 page 4to, no date but circa 1900, showing just how far reconciliation between the former foes had come.
“You do well in saying that Comrade Habberton has written a story which has fine character, stirring scenes and rare humor,...
Union general, founder of Howard University.
Typed Letter Signed, 1 page 4to, no date but circa 1900, showing just how far reconciliation between the former foes had come.
“You do well in saying that Comrade Habberton has written a story which has fine character, stirring scenes and rare humor, and gives every evidence of the good will which really existed as we well know between the fighting men of the North and South. I…do not know a better way to present to the country the folly of unpreparedness for war. The loss of life on our part that follows any successful strife is appalling, mostly due to the want of the knowledge of hygene and of self-care in the field and in camps…"
The top was trimmed to remove the name of the recipient, who we believe was quite possibly a Confederate general. It is also fascinating how by 1900 medical science had progressed to where the survivors of the Civil War knew that ignorance and lack of hygiene had caused many of the fatalities.

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