The First American Edition of the Essential Manual for the British Officer Corps, Simes’ Military Guide, Belonging to a Soldier in the Revolutionary War
Very rare in having the ownership signature of an American Revolutionary War soldier, in this case Joseph Oliver
First edition of the essential manual for the British officer corps, Simes’ Military Guide was intended to be a vade mecum or handbook for British officers. Volume I contains model forms for all manner of military papers and reports; regulations regarding reviews, camps, hospitals, tactics, etc.; and charts and orders relative to...
First edition of the essential manual for the British officer corps, Simes’ Military Guide was intended to be a vade mecum or handbook for British officers. Volume I contains model forms for all manner of military papers and reports; regulations regarding reviews, camps, hospitals, tactics, etc.; and charts and orders relative to uniforms in the British service. This is volume 1 of the first American Edition, published in 1776, signed by Joseph Oliver with his last name first, as was common then. There were a handful of Joseph Olivers serving during the Revolution after 1776, including one who served with General Glover, who rowed Washington across the Delaware River. Evans 15083 & 1426; Sabin 81142 & 18345; Spaulding & Karpinski 325 & 322. Front board professional conserved.
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