A Historical Presentation Engraving of the White House, Inscribed and Signed by John F. Kennedy as President

Given to a chief aide in the office of Ted Sorenson, JFK’s brilliant speechwriter

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Purchase $12,500

Toi Bachelder served Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt through Lyndon Johnson during her thirty-four year career at the White House. Her mother, Mable Bachelder, worked as a Correspondence Reviewer at the White House as well from 1936 until 1951.

Beautiful historical print of the White House, matted, with gold trimming the image. It...

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A Historical Presentation Engraving of the White House, Inscribed and Signed by John F. Kennedy as President

Given to a chief aide in the office of Ted Sorenson, JFK’s brilliant speechwriter

Toi Bachelder served Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt through Lyndon Johnson during her thirty-four year career at the White House. Her mother, Mable Bachelder, worked as a Correspondence Reviewer at the White House as well from 1936 until 1951.

Beautiful historical print of the White House, matted, with gold trimming the image. It is signed on the mat beneath the image, with the engraving measuring approximately 4×6 and overall matted to 9.5×11. It is undated but he was known to give this image out in late 1962, around Christmas time. It would be Kennedy’s last Christmas.

Purchase $12,500

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