Sold – News Report: Napoleon Is Defeated in Russia

The November 11, 1812 issue of the London Sun.

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The defeat of Napoleon’s Grand Army and its flight from Moscow has become the enduring legend of Russia. Leon Tolstoy’s monumental novelistic commemoration of the event, War and Peace, has brought it to the attention of the world and film makers have brought its drama to the silver screeen a number...

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Sold – News Report: Napoleon Is Defeated in Russia

The November 11, 1812 issue of the London Sun.

The defeat of Napoleon’s Grand Army and its flight from Moscow has become the enduring legend of Russia. Leon Tolstoy’s monumental novelistic commemoration of the event, War and Peace, has brought it to the attention of the world and film makers have brought its drama to the silver screeen a number of times.

The Russian victory remains one of the great upsets in military history and had broad international implications, as it destroyed Napoleon’s war-making machine and prevented Europe from coming completely under French influence, if not domination. The English, an allie of Russia and bitter opponent of the French, watched events in Russia with anxiety. When the news arrived that Napoleon was driven from Moscow, it was “stop-the-presses” in London.

This is the November 11, 1812 issue of the London Sun, reporting extensively on the action in Russia and announcing with two bulletins the news that after a struggle in which “an extraordinary number of the French were killed,” the Russians had “entered Moscow, having obliged the French garrison to evacuate the place with such precipitation that they abandoned all their hospitals.”

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