Sold-Presidential Nominee James Garfield Wants to Encourage the Interest of Young People in Politics

"I note with pleasure the earnest work your organization is doing in enlisting the activities and interest of young men in the political work.”.

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On June 8, 1880, Garfield was nominated for president by the Republican National Convention. The party began working for his election, and citizens formed their own organizations to the same purpose. Garfield was informed by mail that one such group had been established in Brooklyn with the specific design of interesting young...

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Sold-Presidential Nominee James Garfield Wants to Encourage the Interest of Young People in Politics

"I note with pleasure the earnest work your organization is doing in enlisting the activities and interest of young men in the political work.”.

On June 8, 1880, Garfield was nominated for president by the Republican National Convention. The party began working for his election, and citizens formed their own organizations to the same purpose. Garfield was informed by mail that one such group had been established in Brooklyn with the specific design of interesting young men in political work. The future president very much approved.

Letter Signed on House of Representatives letterhead, Washington, August 23, 1880, to Marcus Peterson. “Yours of the 19th instant informing me of the formation of the Young Men’s Republican Club of Kings Co. came duly to hand. I note with pleasure the earnest work your organization is doing in enlisting the activities and interest of young men in the political work.” The letter has a few small holes and is otherwise in very good condition. Within 3 months Garfield would be elected president.

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