Sold – Dwight D. Eisenhower Fights Against the “Dictatorial powers of enslavement”
"I hope your prayers will hasten the day when the the Four Freedoms for which we fight wave will be made available to all peoples".
In July of 1943, American troops commenced their assault on German-held Italy with the invasion of Sicily. As a result of its success, Mussolini was arrested by Italians on July 25 and the Fascist government fell. Eisenhower had planned and directed that successful military operation, and would soon be recalled to England...
In July of 1943, American troops commenced their assault on German-held Italy with the invasion of Sicily. As a result of its success, Mussolini was arrested by Italians on July 25 and the Fascist government fell. Eisenhower had planned and directed that successful military operation, and would soon be recalled to England to plan the invasion on D-Day. When Eisenhower wrote this letter, however, the war was far from won, and victory was not assured.
The only portions of Europe controlled by Allied forces were parts of Sicily and unoccupied Russia; the Nazi terror was at its height and the Holocaust in full swing. Ike knew the sacrifices that were being made to free Europe (and Asia also), and that defeat would meant subjugation.
President Roosevelt had articulated that American war goals were to defend the “Four Freedoms” – freedom from want, freedom of worship, freedom of speech and freedom from fear. This letter shows how Ike was thinking about the same issues and endorsing F.D.R.’s goals, while formulating his own emphasis.
Typed Letter Signed on his Allied Force Headquarters, Office of the Commander-in-Chief letterhead, August 3, 1943, to Elias Bernstein. “Your letter stating that you had attended an inter-faith gathering at which a priest of the Catholic faith, a Protestant minister, and a rabbi, offered a prayer for the success of the Allied forces which I have the honor to command, touches a most responsive chord. I believe you will recognize the parallel of the Americans, British and French fighting together for the elimination of the dictatorial forces of enslavement which threaten the world. I hope your prayers will hasten the day when the the Four Freedoms for which we fight wave will be made available to all peoples.” Eisenhower’s themes of unity and freedom are clear expressions of the goals of the American fighting man in World War II.

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