Lost For Years, President Abraham Lincoln’s Original Anti-Corruption Letter Reaches the Market
The letter, in which Lincoln defends his reputation against the suggestion he would thwart an investigation into corruption, is valued at $85,000
Originally among letters left in an abandoned house and lost
PHILADELPHIA, PA – April 19, 2017 – The Raab Collection, the nation’s leading dealer in important historical documents, announced that it is offering for sale a newly discovered letter of Abraham Lincoln, in which the President responds to an accusation that he would attempt to get in the way of a Congressional corruption investigation. Originally among letters left in an abandoned house and lost, this historical document, valued at $85,000, was later used as a payment to the attorney who helped the home’s owners reclaim the entire group.
“This is a remarkable find, a historical treasure, and an honor to carry,” said Nathan Raab, principal at The Raab Collection. “We have no doubt it will find an appreciative new home.”
Historical Background: In 1864 there was a movement to replace Lincoln at the head of the Republican ticket, which became strong enough that Lincoln despaired of his renomination. Lincoln put the blame squarely on Salmon Chase, his Secretary of the Treasury, whom he said was at the bottom “of all the mischief.” One of Lincoln’s enemies and Chase’s allies, in front of Congress, which was investigating corruption, said that Lincoln would not pursue findings of corruption. This made Lincoln furious.
Washington, February 12, 1864, writing to Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase. “This Mr. Bailey as I understand having been summoned as a witness to testify before a committee of the House of Representatives which purposed investigating the affairs of the New-York Custom-House, took occasion to call on the Chairman in advance, and to endeavor to smother the investigation, saying among other things, that whatever might be developed, the President would take no action…The public interest can not fail to suffer in the hands of this irresponsible and unscrupulous man.”
About The Raab Collection: The Raab Collection has handled many of the most important historical documents to reach the market and worked with the families of famous Americans in the sale and preservation of their family treasures, among them Neil Armstrong, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, William Henry Harrison, and Ronald Reagan. Nathan Raab, a member of the Board of Directors of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, is also a contributor to Forbes.com. To learn more visit www.raabcollection.com or follow @raabcollection on Twitter.