Featured by Time Magazine: Raab Collection letter of Lincoln

The discovery of a letter of Abraham Lincoln, uncovered and sold by The Raab Collection in 2013, was featured in an article on Time.com.  You can read an excerpt below:

"The new documents… all tend to show Lincoln in this pragmatic, hard-edged light. The most recent discovery, from just earlier this year, illustrates these qualities in a nutshell.  This trickle of new stuff [discoveries of Lincoln documents] has produced some especially titillating political discoveries over the last decade — significant material that changes the way we see our greatest president….. Congressman Lincoln knocked heads among feuding party activists, ordering them to hold a “public” meeting to resolve their differences, specifically in his words, with “No cliqueism or cheatery about it.”  That’s right. The future author of the Gettysburg Address was worried about “cheatery.”

The full piece, written by Prof. Matthew Pinsker, is here.

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