SOLD Marlborough Builds Up His Forces Before the Battle of Malplaquet
“I have just examined a project that you sent to me...for a regiment of experienced troops, well equipped and armed...".
In 1702, the War of the Spanish Succession broke out, with a coalition of European powers (including Britain and the Netherlands) against a powerful France. John Churchill was the favorite of Queen Anne and he was made commander-in-chief of the Allied armies. He won a series of key victories in 1703 and...
In 1702, the War of the Spanish Succession broke out, with a coalition of European powers (including Britain and the Netherlands) against a powerful France. John Churchill was the favorite of Queen Anne and he was made commander-in-chief of the Allied armies. He won a series of key victories in 1703 and was rewarded by being created Duke of Marlborough.
The war continued, however, and in combination with Prince Eugene of Savoy he soundly defeated the French at the Battles of Blenheim and Ramillies, adding to his fame. Despite the earlier defeats and another at Oudenarde in 1708, the French refused to give in, and continued attacking that part of the Netherlands that was later to become Belgium. In 1709, Marlborough prepared for another battle, and turned his attention to increasing the number of men and units available to him.
Letter Signed, Looz, Belgium, June 26, 1709, in French, to Johann DeKeysersfelt, an associate to the statesman and Grand Pensionary of Holland, Anthonie Heinsius. “I have just examined a project that you sent to me some time ago for a regiment of experienced troops, well equipped and armed, that His Highness the Elector of Treves [a German principality on the Rhine] offers to place at the service of the Queen and match the proposed conditions. It will consist of twelve companies of sixty each, with senior and junior officers, and furthermore of a company of seventy grenadiers. I would be happy if they would winter in garrison at Coblentz, if the necessities of war do not require that they stay in the Netherlands.”
Less than three months later, Marlborough achieved his last great victory at Malplaquet.

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