Sold – Lincoln, the Union Leadership in One Album
Included are U.S. Grant, William T. Sherman and hundreds of others.
Mainly in 1861-2, a collector in Washington D.C. circulated an autograph album to members of the Lincoln Administration and members of the 37th Congress, most of which included the home town of the signatory. Some 200 signatures were collected. President Abraham Lincoln has signed as being from Sprigfield, Ill.; also signing on...
Mainly in 1861-2, a collector in Washington D.C. circulated an autograph album to members of the Lincoln Administration and members of the 37th Congress, most of which included the home town of the signatory. Some 200 signatures were collected. President Abraham Lincoln has signed as being from Sprigfield, Ill.; also signing on the same page were Vice President Hannibal Hamlin and Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles. Of additional interest is that above Lincoln’s signature was once fastened a piece of the sheet on which Lincoln died, given by the Peterson family. Alas, it fell off or was removed over time and is no longer present. Also providing autographs were: Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton who signs on the opposite page; Congressmen; Speaker of the House Galusha Grow; railroad mogul and Corning empire founder Erastus Corning; F.W. Kellogg of the cereal family; William D. Kelley, the first Washington politician to create what would become Yellowstone National Park; Roscoe Conkling, later a senator and power broker; Jacob Blair, a founder of West Virginia; abolitionists Thaddeus Stevens and Owen Lovejoy; Schuyler Colfax, future Speaker and Vice President; William Windom, future Secretary of he Treasury; Clement Vallandigham, anti-war nemesis of President Lincoln; Senator and former Attorney General John J. Crittenden, author of the last attempted compromise to stave off the war; and Justin Morrill, father of the Homestead Act.
Signing on one notable page were both U.S. Grant, who adds Lt. Gen. U.S.A. and Maj. Genl. William T. Sherman. Also on that page is Noah L. Jeffries, who as Provost Marshal of Washington would convey the orders for the arrest of John Wilkes Booth and the other Lincoln assassination conspirators.
Other Civil War generals were also included: Abner Doubleday of Fort Sumter and baseball fame, James B. Steedman, Orris Ferry, John Wool, Lewis Wallace, Irwin McDowell, Quartermaster General of the U.S. Montgomery Meigs, John Pope, O.M. Mitchell and John Geary, a future governor of Pennsylvanis and mayor of San Francisco.
A fascinating album with Lincoln and Hamlin, Stanton and Welles, Grant and Sherman, and many other important Union leaders. The front cover is off and a few sheets have come loose, otherwise it is in excellent condition.
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