sold Lincoln and Stanton Want to Review the Dismissal of an Officer
In 1863, a Pennsylvania officer named F.P. Ash was dismissed from the service for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders. He felt he had been unfairly treated, and on May 28, 1863 wrote to President Lincoln asking for a hearing, citing his relationship with Pennsylvania Governor Curtin, and saying "I have...
In 1863, a Pennsylvania officer named F.P. Ash was dismissed from the service for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders. He felt he had been unfairly treated, and on May 28, 1863 wrote to President Lincoln asking for a hearing, citing his relationship with Pennsylvania Governor Curtin, and saying "I have under all circumstances tried to do my duty…" Nobody ever appealed to Lincoln for aid unavailingly, unless that person aroused his ire by a show of malice or bigotry, and Lincoln decided to look over the papers that related to Ash’s situation. He sent Ash’s letter on to Secretary of War Stanton with a note saying, "Sec. of War, please inform me what there is of this case. June 1, 1863." Stanton agreed and wrote in his own hand, beneath Lincoln’s, "Referred to Major Kineat for report."
An uncommon document with endorsements of both Lincoln and Stanton.

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