Have a medieval manuscript or renaissance manuscript or book from these periods to sell? Sellers select us to handle or purchase these treasures because of our reputation, understanding of the market, appreciation of the history, and the financial rewards.
Contact us to send an image or inquire further.
Select examples:
From the Great English Library at Bury St. Edmunds at Its Height, a Surviving 12th Century Fragment, One of Just a Handful of These Manuscripts We Could Find from this Renowned Middle Ages Center Outside an Institution
A Great Work of Medieval Western Literature, Connecting the Beginning of University Life in Europe with one of the Great Writers and Thinkers of the Era: Thomas Aquinas, Dated Around 1300 from Around the University of Paris
In an Illuminated Medieval Work of Art from the Famed French Illustrator Perrin Remiet, King Edward I of England Pays Homage to the French King Philippe, Preserving for a Time the Peace Between the Great Wars that Would Convulse Europe